Tuesday, 24 July 2012


1.       What is the function of the CPU?
      A central processing unit controls the functions of most electronic products. This component accepts input data, processes information and sends it to whatever component that is in charge of executing the action. CPUs are also known as microprocessors and are at the center of any computer system. Although CPUs are most often thought of as a computer chip, they can also be found in many other electronic devices including cell phones, handheld devices, microwaves, television sets and toys.

2.       What was the name of the first CPU?
       In November, 1971, the first CPU was introduced by Intel.

3.       Referring to the graph on page 2 of the article, describe how the speed of CPU’s has changed.

4.       What does MIPS measure?
       A unit of computing speed equivalent to a million instructions per second.      
5.       Research (Google it) what is a dual core processor, what is multitasking and how do the two work together.
A dual core processor is a CPU with two separate cores on the same die, each with its own cache. It's the equivalent of getting two microprocessors in one.
A dual core processor is different from a multi-processor system. In the latter there are two separate CPUs with their own resources. In the former, resources are shared and the cores reside on the same chip. A multi-processor system is faster than a system with a dual core processor, while a dual core system is faster than a single-core system, all else being equal.
The simultaneous execution of multiple tasks (programs) under the control of an interrupt-driven operating system; The practice or capability of handling more than one task at the same time.

The World Of Multimedia

1.      Where do you commonly use multimedia in your daily life, list as many examples as you can.
Computers, Laptops, Ipods, Phones, Bluray Players, DVD Players, TV's, Mp3 players, Internet Connection, Xbox Connect, Wii Console.
2.      What multimedia device or service would you find it hardest to be without? Discuss.
I believe that the multimedia device I would find it hardest to be without would be my Ipod. I always listen to music, watch Youtube, read books and play games on my Ipod Touch.
3.      The video on future directions (first video) has already to some extent come true. What multimedia technologies displayed in this video are already commonly used?
Using a GPS on our phones to find directions.
4.      Do you see any advantages/disadvantages to the use of such multimedia technology?
  1. They are very easy to use, making our lives simpler.

  2. The cost of these devices will become less as they will not be highly values as time goes by.

  3. It will lessen the impact and strain to our eyesight. We can use it at a furthur distance than computers and laptops today.

  4. Such devices will not require you to touch or move anything to operate it. We will be able to give orders by talking, allowing us to multitask. 

  5. They will be able to alert us with any changes on our calender, so that we will not miss anything important like meetings or function, due to a change in time or time. 


  1.  Hackers can easily access every aspect of your life, since your computer will have so much personal information.    
     2. We may become extremely reliant on the computer and could lead us to  being dependant.