Tuesday, 26 June 2012


I would like to thank:

- My Partner, Mansi Gupta
- My sister and dad, for helping me make the video
- Mr Lennon for his help and advice

My partner

Hello Mr Lennon, just incase you didn't know my partner was Mansi Gupta!

p.s she is a great person to work with :)

Problem seven- Video too big

Our video file combined was around 122MB and blogger only allowed us to have video files less than 100MB. to fix the problem, we made two separate part to the video.


Problem six- Putting the video together

Since Mansi and I did separate parts so we had to put it together. I had used the older version of WWM, so we couldn't put my project files with hers. Mr Lennon then thankfully told us to use the video file and put that in movie maker. Using this, we then split the movie file to move the parts around.

Monday, 25 June 2012

My script

My ist script Beginning: Tumblr, facebook, twitter, tumblr, or even formspring. But don't worry about those because Mansi and I are here to tell you all about Google Plus. How to get onto it: Getting on google plus is easy. All you need to do is simply go onto your Google homepage. From there click on the “plus you” button, which is located first from the of left hand corner. This will lead you into google plus and you can easily sign in with your gmail. Hangouts: Google Plus hangout is a great way to connect with people around the world. Facebook video chat is a one on one chat powered by skype. Google Plus hangout however allows you to video chat with up to 9 different people. It’s fun, quick and super easy. You can watch YouTube together, share your screen or even dress up using the effects. There’s always plenty to do on Goggle plus Hangout! Its so good, even Barack Obama uses it! Potos: (security of photos ) With Google plus Photo’s you can upload and share all your best memories. It gives you unlimited storage for your pictures and allows you to create albums.What is even better is that you can always be glad that all your photos are secure on Google Plus. Even if you lose your photos on the computer, you can easily retrieve them online. Circles: Another very unique and clever feature included in Google plus is Circles. In facebook, all of your friends are one and this makes it hard to share things openly. But, with google plus circles, you can place each person in a group. For example if I don’t want my boss to see something, but I want all my other groups to, i can easily hide it from him. It makes things easier and allows you to choose what to share with whom. Plus one button: The plus one button is another excellent feature included in google plus. It lets you share recommendations with friends, contacts and the rest of the web. Each time you click +1, you're adding to the batch of cool, helpful, or just plain ridiculous things you've found across the web. From fashion tips to tasty recipes, there is heaps to share with everyone!

Problem five- File not supported by Windows Movie Maker

My voice recordings were amr. This meant that they would not work on WMM. For this reason, I used Converter Lite (a software that converts files) to convert the files to mp3. They now were compatible on movie maker.

Problem four- Recording my voice

I initially recorded my voice on my iPod touch 4. As I tried to upload it on the computer, the voice memos would not sync. I couldn't find out how to do it, so I asked my older sister and dad for help. Even after they tried, we still couldn't transfer them, so I had to re record it on my phone and then it easily came on my computer.

Problem three- Too much to draw

Since this was such a large project, Mansi and I did not have enough time to hand draw everything. For this reason, we decided to print out things like symbols, screen shots.etc. It also saved lots of time.

Problem two- Lighting and finding a good place to shoot

In class, Mansi and I tried to shoot, but couldn't find a good place with sufficient lighting. In the end, we went to the other room for quiet and sat our camera on a chair, facing it to a wall with good light. This meant that the camera was not shaky and provided a good video.

Problem one- Time

A clear issue that arose during making the video was the lack of time that we had. The topic we took, Google Plus, had many parts to it, which were hard to do just at school. Mansi and I overcame this problem by dividing up what part each of us wanted to do. For example, I did how to get onto it and Mansi did what is it. This made it easier and saved time.

Thursday, 21 June 2012


Our video is based on the features included in the Social Networking Site, Google Plus. We compared it with the current most popular media site, Facebook. In this video we talk about: - what is a social networking site - what is google plus - how it is better then facebook - what it offers to the user - and basically why everyone should have it This video is narrated over the top, not whilst shooting. We did the shooting with cut outs that were both drawn and printed off. The main purpose was to inform the people about Google Plus and the excellent things included in it. This socialising website helps people from all over the world to connect and form strong relaionships and we wanted to spread that in the video. We also wanted to state that since we use Google for our data (Google Docs), for our blog (Blogger.com) and bascially for normal searching, so why not as a social networking site? Our main target market is teenagers and young adults who use such sites most often.