Thursday, 29 March 2012

IST animation assessment task

My animation has 224 slides in total. In total it is 2,584 KB and goes for 38 seconds.
My aim was atleast 30 seconds and since I acheieved that, I am satisifed with my final product.

I have used 3 different music types from youtube:

IST animation assessment task


Why I chose vector program (Inkscape), instead of bitmap program (Paint)
This is because:
1. It is a vector program, meaning it makes objects as geometric shapes. This will help me in making my castle much easier then a bitmap program such as paint.
2. It is challenging and a new experience for me to learn. This is because I have never made anything on Inkscape before and want to try something new.
3. It is much smoother then paint. 

IST animation assessment task

Our assignment is due today and I just finalised it and put it on my IST blog. I asked Mansi for assistance as I wanted to add music. I used the website 'zamzar'. It is a great site that converts url to any file you want, which in my case is wav. I added the disney theme, a scream and a evil laugh. This was done to make it better and more presentable. After that, I watched through my video to ensure it played well. This assessment has been great and I have learnt so much about different programs and how they work. 
Today, I converted my pictures/slides into a windows movie maker. This was done to make it a movie animation, so that I did not have to change from one slide to another physically. I encountered some problems with my animation, so will upload it tomorrow at school. 

IST animation assessment task

I next wanted to show Prince Charming slowly falling and fainting. I was confused on how to do this, so asked Sandy for assistance and she told me that I should rotate it slowly. This cleared my problems and as shown below, I rotated it slowly, exporting bit by bit.

To make him look fainted, I added the cross eyes in the end. This makes it funnier and will make people wonder about how she looks. Shown below is my final slide, which shows the ugly face of Rapunzel. 

IST animation assessment task

During class today I focused on my last scene, which was when Prince Charming enters the room and sees Rapunzel for the very first time. Since she is so ugly, he faints. To draw Rapunzel's ugly face, I traced the image shown below and used in my face, also shown below. 

                                  My drawing                        Original picture

Next I had to draw the face of my prince charming, after he saw the ugly princess. I did this be enlarging the size his eyes and making his mouth drop. This is shown below.

IST animation assessment task

Today I made my Prince Charming hold onto the hair and and go up. This was done by changing the shape of the arms in nodes. It was fairly simple, as shown below. After both arms had been adjusted, I made him climb up. This was done by making move one step vertically. This took some time as I had to be careful that when I exported, I selected all of it. 

IST animation assessment task

Today at home, I finished off the hair of Rapunzel. Next, I went through it to check that everything was fine. Unfortunatley, I realised that I had not exported one file correctly. This problem was quickly fixed, as I went back to it and selected what I needed to export. Below is how her hair looked completed. 

IST animation assessment task

Today during class, I made my Prince Charming walk from the right hand side to the left tower, in which Rapunzel was at. It was done throughout 39 exports. I moved him one space at a time (as shown below), to make it smooth. I also added the caption, which is shown shown below) It is modernised, to make it humorous. 

IST animation assessment task

After school today, I made my prince charming. I made him using the freehand tool, the beizer tool, cricles and fixed him up with nodes. I drew the red crown to show that he is royalty. As shown below, I have highlighted the nodes to prove it is my original drawing.

IST animation assessment task

In class today I made my Rapunzel's room. Since I do not want to reveal her face until the end, I used her golden hair to symbolise her identity. Below is Rapunzel staring out the window in her chair. Out the window, half of it is sunny and the other half is rain. This is to show time passing. The image below was made using freehand tool, beizer tool, circles, ovals text, rectangles, squares, nodes and 3D boxes. All the colouring was done using the Fill and Stroke Tool. To get the weather effect of yellow to blue, I used linear gradient. 

IST animation assessment task

Once I got home, I decided to work on my IST assessment. I started by exporting my castle using the Export Bitmap option, as shown below. I slowly cut section off, so that it would look like it was zooming into the window. Whilst I was exporting, I had an idea that would make my animation more entertaining. Instead of making my prince and princess fall in love, I will make the princess very ugly that the prince faints. It will be funnier instead of the usual and I will also make it more modernised. 

IST animation assessment task

Today I got straight into my animation and drew my castle. After drawing the castle, I realised that pink and grey looked better in the castle. This is because it is a princess' castle and went with the theme of love. Below is the castle I will be using for my animation. Below that is the Fill and Stroke box that I used to colour in all of my objects during the task. For this castle I used squares, triangles and rectangles. I had an issue grouping the object but thankfully Mansi helped me out in grouping it. Just as I saved my castle, my Inkscape encountered a problem. This taught me to save as soon as I start creating.

IST animation assessment task

At home today, I had my idea, and so got into planning my animation. I decided that I would draw everything myself, as this would challenge me more. (I chose Inkscape for the creation of my animation and will explain why, later on in my Blog). Below is a screenshoot of some different tools in Inkscape. Next lesson, I will draw a blue and grey castle with large towers on each side.

IST animation assessment task

In class today, I was determined to choose an idea and get into my animation. I researched a few websites and looked at Wiki Commons. After looking for some ideas, I decided I would do Rapunzel. My animation will be about Rapunzel waiting for her Prince Charming and when he does come, Rapunzel lets down her hair and he climbs on. Next, I will show the prince and princess in love.

IST animation assessment task

 Today Mr Lennon discussed the Still to Moving Assessment Task with us. It requires us to make an animation which should be a suitable size. We were allowed the option to promote our house or do something of our choice. He told us two very important tips:
1. Before you start, always make the drawing box a size you want and Once we had been through the project, I started to look for ideas. Some included, Elmo, Dragons, Flower.etc. I didn't find anything I liked, so will continue tomorrow. 

IST animation assessment task

Today we discussed the fundamental difference between image file types. There are two types of image creation software-

1. Paint Programs:
Paint programs create an image pixel by pixel. Horizontally the pixels are named (x) and vertically they are (y). So the total number of pixels are (x) times (y). Paint programs make bitmap images. A bitmap image is basically the map of the colour of each pixel in the image. Paint is a bitmap image.

2. Draw Programs:
These create an image from "objects" (shapes). Examples include, lines, text characters, circles, squares, prisms.etc. They are called vector images. Vector images have object properties, line width, line colour and fill. Word is a vector image.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Paint is a program you can use to create drawings on a blank canvas or on top of other pictures. The program features a toolbar on the which is shown above.